
Bilingual Anxiety Therapy in Denver, CO

Anxiety and Depression Is A Common Part Of The Immigrant Experience

Stress is universal. Nearly all of us will experience periods of anxiety or depression throughout our lives. As Hispanic immigrants in particular, however, we face additional stressors that the average American is not subject to. Adapting to a new culture and language can be extremely difficult, especially in a country where we are made to feel unwelcome by some.

Difficulty assimilating into American life is likely to make us feel incapable and overwhelmed. We may be struggling to learn the language quickly so that we can find work and begin feeling productive and as though we are making a contribution to society. Over time, this grind will naturally impact our self-esteem. Whereas we once felt capable and successful, we now struggle to keep up with our dreams and the needs of our families.

Despite this struggle, it is difficult to ask for help since there is a stigma around mental health that still holds power in some communities. You may be convinced that you can manage your stress, anxiety, or depression on your own, but instead of treating the core issue, you may simply be treating the symptoms. However, if you can accept that it is okay to reach out to a counselor or therapist for guidance, the path to serenity and relief can be within your reach.

Stress Relief And Newfound Confidence Are Possible With Depression and Anxiety Therapy in Spanish

With so much pressure on you to perform and succeed, there is very little time to stop, take a breath, and evaluate what is happening emotionally. Anxiety therapy can give you the chance to enter a safe space and open up so you can begin the process of healing and understanding your anxiety. No longer do you need to stay up all night with worries and fears; I can help you cope and manage your stress so that your anxiety is less disruptive in your day-to-day life.

Using a treatment plan that is tailored to meet your unique needs, I will help you to understand and identify your strengths in order to establish emotional regulation and mindfulness. When you can achieve that regulation and mindfulness, you will be better prepared to calm yourself during times of stress and panic.

Throughout our sessions, I will work to understand the narrative of your life and where some of your negative beliefs about yourself may have developed. In maintaining a strong understanding of the origins or core of your anxiety, I will help you locate the stressors or triggers that send you into a tailspin of negative thinking. As you gain deeper insight into the causes of your anxieties, you will not only learn how to verbalize your worries but how to effectively deter them. Over time, you will become more confident in yourself and your decisions.

Incorporating EMDR Therapy Into Anxiety Therapy

Using Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), I specialize in connecting the emotional side of your brain with the rational side so that you can process your emotions with reduced negative thinking. Using EMDR in conjunction with mindfulness practices, you will be more likely to maintain perspective and presence of mind during distressing situations. In and out of session, you will be empowered to engage in positive thinking, so that you can fully appreciate and utilize your natural strengths. And in developing more such habits, you will find yourself less inundated by worries about the unknown or the future.

For 14 years, I have been successful in helping both English- and Spanish-speaking clients manage their stress and resolve their anxiety issues. As an evidence-based approach, EMDR has been widely used to help individuals navigate their anxiety and find relief from it. Moreover, it is considered among the fastest and most lasting forms of anxiety treatment.

Acclimating to a new culture, a new language, and a new life is hard! But as an immigrant myself, I am here to relate to you and provide a safe space for you to explore your feelings. Through anxiety therapy, relief from your anxiety is possible.

Maybe you are considering anxiety therapy, but you have some concerns…

Times have changed and the stigma surrounding mental health and counseling is beginning to lose its power. Seeking therapy is increasingly being perceived as a positive thing; it shows that you are invested in your mental health and that you are aware of the issues in your life that require support. The healthiest people are the people who know how to ask for help and understand that therapy is simply a means for improving quality of life!

I know that you are likely very focused on working long hours because you want to create a better life for your family, but it’s important to remember that figuring out ways to cope with your stress will help you to be a better partner, parent, child and/or community member. Finding relief from your anxiety will make you more effective and productive in the long term—in all aspects of your life. And striking a balance will help you to have better relationships and be a more productive worker.

As I have mentioned, doing the necessary emotional work will help you to be the best you can be as a professional. In treating your anxiety, you are likely to become more confident and focused on your work. As such, you will have better success in meeting your goals and may very well gain a promotion, a raise, or a better job altogether as a result. If you are more successful personally, your professional self will flourish, which will ultimately lead to financial gain and stability. Anxiety therapy may be an investment now, but it will pay off in the long term.

Ready to Begin Bilingual Anxiety Therapy in Denver, CO?

Empower yourself to conquer anxiety with bilingual therapy designed to guide you through your journey to resilience. Experience personalized support and evidence-based techniques tailored to address your unique anxiety symptoms. Take charge of your mental well-being—start your path towards peace and stability by seeking bilingual anxiety therapy at Sol Counseling. Follow these three simple steps to get started: